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Fazemos esta obra, em nome do Pai, do Filho e do Espírito Santo, Amém! (Glória a Deus e Alelúia)

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The Fashion That Displeases God

This message is mainly for you mother, set an example for your daughter, your granddaughter to follow you. It's so that tomorrow you don't come crying for something you could have done and didn't do. Read carefully and observe what a simple fad can cause.

When a woman does not know God, she wants to show off her body, she dresses provocatively and has short clothes so that every man wants her, this sin has a name, called debauchery. He has a very strong need to draw attention to himself. With that, the hyper-short and tight-fitting clothing industry was created. This fashion provokes the greedy looks of men, today dressed even in children, in addition to being a sin in the eyes of GOD, it causes major social problems such as pedophilia; men abusing children, Rapes; women and teenagers being raped and killed every day. This kind of fashion makes man sin in mind and heart and commit all kinds of crimes. Therefore, the woman dresses to attract the attention of the man to her, awakening the greed of the eyes, causing the man to sin and at the same time, she herself sins, surely if one of the two dies in this state of sin, the abyss is ready to receive them.

These social problems, caused by this trend of short clothes, glued to the body and sexual that awakens the sexual desire of the man that today's modern family can no longer see, this in our daily lives, are real, such as ADULTERIES, the crimes of RAPE and PEDOPHILIA, facts seen every day in NEWSPAPERS, POLICE MATERIALS, BLOGS. Another consequence caused by the mother wearing short clothes on her child is the same if she wakes up to have sexual intercourse in childhood. Mothers need to wake up to this problem, which is not just an isolated problem on TV, OR NEWSPAPER, OR BLOG, it can also happen in your family.

If you ask a man what he feels and thinks when he sees a woman with provocative clothes, short and glued to the woman's body, or a child who already has a young girl's body, he will certainly answer that, imagine having relations with that woman or girl or even a child. In the man's imagination, he is already touching her. Therefore, both he and she sinned. She, for not dressing modestly and decently, and he for committing mental adultery. But the problem is even greater than just a mental sin, there are those who, in addition to wishing in the mind, do it in practice even though that woman is not his wife, or even worse being a child.

Regarding short clothes, glued to the body and provocative, the WORD OF GOD says: In the same way, I want women to dress modestly, with decency and discretion, not adorning themselves with braids and gold, nor with pearls or with expensive clothes , but with good works, as befits women who profess to worship God. 1 Timothy 2:9-10.

Regarding mental adultery, or imagination, the LORD makes it clear: You have heard that it was said: You shall not commit adultery. But I say: Anyone who looks at a woman and lusts after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If her right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away. It is better to lose a part of her body than to have her whole body thrown into hell. Matthew: 27-29.

THE WORD OF GOD IS VERY CLEAR ABOUT THESE THINGS. Women teach your daughters how to dress and behave in front of men. Because due to lack of teaching, many young women start having relationships at a very young age, sometimes they are still children. Initiated on this path by the robes.

Educate a child in the way he should go; and even when she is old she will not turn away from him. Proverbs 22:6

For. Shirley

How does the LORD abhor the Bar?

For sure, the bar is not a place where you will find the Kingdom of Heaven. It is not a place where the children of God should be. The bar reeks of the brimstone of Hell. The bar and death go hand in hand, together, united. You will hardly have the favor or forgiveness of the LORD, for anything, being in the Church of Satan - the Bar.

Everything that sucks; all kinds of sins and iniquities; death and destruction; the flesh and demons; anything can happen (bad) to you, attending this church. The evil church. And don't think that God will forgive your sins, which He won't.

The Lord Jesus said: When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places looking for rest. Since you can't find it,
he says, I will return to the house from which I left. Arriving, he finds the house unoccupied, swept and in order. Then he goes and brings with him seven other spirits worse than himself, and they go in and live there. And that man's final state becomes worse than the first. So shall it be with this perverse generation. Matthew 12:43-45.

Do you want more Bible references? There won't be.
Read the Bible to know the truth about bars.

The bar belongs to the system of hell, which will take your soul to eternal damnation.

You must repent of your sins and forsake them if you would please God and gain his forgiveness and favor.

God is not in bars.
But the mouth of hell is open to receive its faithful subjects.

Reject the bar, close the bar, break free from it.

Bishop Nathan

The Keys Of Heaven.

How to Do Something Big.


Religion - Breath of divine origin that, for Christians, would have driven the writers of the Bible.


Figurative - Immense desire to achieve something; dream.


Intense desire for something.


I will ask the Lord, and He will give me; I will seek in the Lord, and He will find me. I will do it constantly, with all conviction, and the Lord will open it for me. Because, he who asks the Lord, receives from Him; and what you seek in the Lord, He will cause you to find; and, as he constantly does with all conviction, the Lord will open what is closed. Matthew 7:7,8.


Now, faith (which comes from the exercise of love for God, which includes meditation and obedience to the Lord) is the firm foundation (or conviction) of SOMETHING GREAT to be hoped for, and the proof (certainty) of WHAT IS GREAT and not are seen with the physical eyes. Hebrews 11:1.


If I am in the presence of the Lord (in complete, absolute and total communion), and the Word of God dwells in abundance in me, I will be able (authorized) to ask for SOMETHING BIG that I long for and aspire to, and the Lord will accomplish it for me . So the Lord will be glorified, that I will bear much fruit; and so I will be his disciple (follower). John 15:7,8.


This I, King Nebuchadnezzar, saw in a dream; thou, Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation; all the wise men of my kingdom could not make known to me the interpretation, but you can; for the spirit of the holy gods is in you. Daniel 4:18

Writer: Bishop Nathan

Confession of Faith for Salvation in Christ

How to obtain the salvation of your soul?.

In Matthew 10:32 it is written: "Therefore, everyone who confesses me before men, I will also confess before my Father who is in heaven."

Therefore, in order for you to receive eternal life, you must confess and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your soul.

How do we do it?
It is necessary to confess to the Lord that we are sinners and that we now repent of this condition. You finally understand that this act of faith is true, sincere and honest. It should come from within your heart and like this:

The day is today, and the time is now, to unite with brothers and sisters who belong to Jesus Christ across the world. So I ask you a question that will forever change your eternal destiny: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I ask:

Do you receive JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and SAVIOR?
If your answer is yes, PRAY with me by repeating this prayer out loud:
LORD JESUS, I repent with all my heart, of all my sins. Please write my name in the BOOK OF LIFE, and from now on, teach me the Journey to Heaven that I must walk. Amen.

By doing this, the LORD will forgive your sins, write your name in the BOOK OF LIFE and give you Eternal Life, which begins from your confession of faith. When you leave this world, you will be able to enter Heavenly Heaven or the KINGDOM OF THE LORD, you will receive the CROWN OF GLORY and the SUPPER at the table with the LORD, together with the entire Church of Jesus and with the angels.

Dom Natan and Pra. Shirlei Ministries CCB

Confession Of Faith For Salvation In Christ

How to Obtain the Salvation of Your Soul?.

In Matthew 10:32 it is written: "Therefore, everyone who confesses me before men, him I will also confess before my Father who is in heaven."

Therefore, in order for you to receive eternal life, you must confess and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your soul.

How do we do this?
It is necessary to confess to the Lord that we are sinners and that we now repent for this condition. You finally understand that this act of faith is true, sincere and honest. It must come from within your heart and thus:

The day is today, and the time is now, to unite with brothers and sisters who belong to Jesus Christ throughout the world. So I ask you a question that will forever change your eternal destiny:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I ask:
Do you receive JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and SAVIOR?
If your answer is yes, PRAY with me by repeating this prayer aloud:
LORD JESUS, I repent with all my heart, of all my sins. Please write my name in the BOOK OF LIFE, and from now on, teach me the Journey to Heaven that I must walk. Amen.

By doing this, the LORD will forgive your sins, write your name in the BOOK OF LIFE, and give you Eternal Life, which begins from your confession of faith. When you leave this world, you will be able to enter Celestial Heaven or the KINGDOM OF THE LORD, you will receive the CROWN OF GLORY and SUPPER at the table with the LORD, together with the entire Church of Jesus and with the angels.

Bishop Natan and Pra. Shirlei Ministry CCB