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The Keys Of Heaven.

How to Do Something Big.


Religion - Breath of divine origin that, for Christians, would have driven the writers of the Bible.


Figurative - Immense desire to achieve something; dream.


Intense desire for something.


I will ask the Lord, and He will give me; I will seek in the Lord, and He will find me. I will do it constantly, with all conviction, and the Lord will open it for me. Because, he who asks the Lord, receives from Him; and what you seek in the Lord, He will cause you to find; and, as he constantly does with all conviction, the Lord will open what is closed. Matthew 7:7,8.


Now, faith (which comes from the exercise of love for God, which includes meditation and obedience to the Lord) is the firm foundation (or conviction) of SOMETHING GREAT to be hoped for, and the proof (certainty) of WHAT IS GREAT and not are seen with the physical eyes. Hebrews 11:1.


If I am in the presence of the Lord (in complete, absolute and total communion), and the Word of God dwells in abundance in me, I will be able (authorized) to ask for SOMETHING BIG that I long for and aspire to, and the Lord will accomplish it for me . So the Lord will be glorified, that I will bear much fruit; and so I will be his disciple (follower). John 15:7,8.


This I, King Nebuchadnezzar, saw in a dream; thou, Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation; all the wise men of my kingdom could not make known to me the interpretation, but you can; for the spirit of the holy gods is in you. Daniel 4:18

Writer: Bishop Nathan