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Do You Need to Know, Sexual Perversions Within Marriage Is Allowed?

Sexual perversions within marriage is a sin, and the couple needs to ask God for forgiveness for this sin, because their soul and that of their spouse is at risk, the body gets sick, and the soul will perish in hell if it dies and has no repentance. decoration.

Marriage must be honored by all; the conjugal bed, kept pure; for God will judge the immoral and adulterers. Hebrews 13:4. The Word says that marriage should be clean and pure, but most of the time it doesn't happen that way, couples don't observe what the Word of God says and end up running away from the standards allowed by the Lord. The only people who are interested in this are the couple themselves, as the Lord will charge them.

The immorality that is within most marriages, especially couples who call themselves evangelicals, is an offense to God, but this is a subject, treated in a sloppy and light way. Dealing with such a delicate matter, it is not so easy. Especially because it is something, between four walls, that only concerns the couple.

However, the couple needs to be aware of certain intimate practices in marriage, which the LORD does not approve. For example, the oral sexual act, or the anal and some positions, is harmful, and is a sin in the eyes of the Lord. Therefore, the couple has to hold back their animal instincts.

When the marriage is filled with perversion, the sexual act is under the enemy's control, and the marriage bond is being sullied, the marriage cannot survive long. Where the two will be affected by this type of behavior, as it can bring great damage to body, mental and spiritual health.

The Lord does not accept any kind of sin. However, men and women of God, try to keep the temple of the Lord clean, spotless and immaculate. Yeah, that saying, said around In the bedroom between four walls anything goes, or we're married, we're not adulterated and not doing anything wrong. Beware of guesses. The Lord will not accept excuses and no more, more...

So if you don't know what to do, seek the answer in the Lord.

for Shirley